Enthrival was created following an arduous journey battling an invisible illness known as Electromagnetic Sensitivity (ES) or Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS), a condition characterised by a heightened sensitivity to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) when exposed to various sources of electromagnetic radiation, such as those emitted mobile phones, Wi-Fi, power lines, and various electrical appliances. Symptoms included headaches, fatigue, dizziness, anxiety, pain and burning sensations, difficulty concentrating, sleep disturbances and more.
Following the discovery of Neurosurgeon and Quantum Health Expert Dr Jack Kruse, recommendations of his circadian rhythm and redox building protocols were undertaken, whilst also sleeping in a tent away from EMFs. A decrease in symptoms was immediately noticed, which came back as soon as wireless technology was re-introduced into the environment. It was concluded that man-made EMFs were certainly a large part of the problem. Reductions to exposures were made immediately and over time the protocols and other lifestyle adjustments significantly reduced EMF sensitivity.
Substantial investments were made in acquiring EMF measuring equipment and certification was obtained as a Geobiologist in Austria with a Naturopathic and Environmental Medicine Clinic, renowned for addressing EMF and Geopathic stress since 1983. Since completing this and other training, Enthrival have actively been conducting surveys for homes and businesses. Our goal, to fast-track people back to health and create living spaces for optimal health and well-being. We are also commited to developing protocols and educational initiatives that support the body's resilience and fosters a safer relationship with modern technology in todays world.